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This past week has been a period of transitions.Not subtle or gradual but sudden monumental shifts that leave you wondering, did that just happen? The first major transition that occurred her in Porvoo was the change from winter to summer. Yes that's right,  forget spring, that is a waste of time here in Finland, lets just get to the point and go straight into summer, after all it was a long hard winter. On Tuesday of last week the high temperature was 4 degrees Celsius or about 40 F  with wind that was bone chilling. At practice we were layered up with gloves, stocking hats and all the clothes we could wear. The trees showed no sign of life, not a green leaf to be seen. No flower dared poke its head out of the ground. But within two days, boom, the temperature had risen to 26 C the trees all greened and leaves suddenly appeared and flowers were everywhere. By our game on Saturday the heat was sweltering at 29 C and we were baking under the sun's heat on the field turf.  The change was amazing. It was as if the world awoke from a slumber and decided it was time to go and run a marathon. The world went from black and white to blu-ray technology in one fell swoop! The pictures below are from our balcony on Tuesday May 11th and Thursday May 13th!
The weather has not been the only major transition however. While the warmer temperatures brought added color and renewed energy to the city our game last week did just the opposite. Going into the Eurobowl game against Berlin Adler we had an incredible amount of hope, optimism and energy at practices. The possibility of being the Eurobowl champions was an euphoric sensation that has driven this team for over a year. Unfortunately, the way the Eurobowl tournament is set up we ended up playing Berlin in our opening game of the season as we had a bye into the quarterfinals after being seeded 4th after last season in Europe. Berlin came into the game having already played three games against quality opponents as they had already defeated the Czech and Swedish national champions as well as  the champions from their southern division in their German league opener. The experience showed as we made many first game errors and they were clicking on all cylinders. They were a good team and played much better than we did on the day.

The devastation for our team was enormous and once again in a matter of a few hours our spirits sank from an optimistic peak to a depression rarely felt. For many of our players after one game into the season they felt like everything had been lost. The season for them was over. They have won five straight national championships and so for many the motivation is lacking towards another national championship run. It is hard to imagine but we found ourselves at a crossroads after one game. At practice on Monday we had the lowest turnout of the year and I began to wonder whether we could restore the motivation. As this week has gone on we have slowly come back together, bruised egos have been healing and a renewed sense of mission has been evolving each day. We have our first league game on Friday night and have quite a few nagging injuries that will hinder us, but I am hopeful that we have adjusted to the transition and that this group of men who have faced adversity many times will again rise to the challenge and move forward.

My personal transition period also came this week in that as I was doing my devotional I was was again reminded that I am nothing apart from my devotion to God. I realized that I had also pinned many of my hopes on the Eurobowl game, thinking that maybe if I could win a European Championship that someone back home may care, be impressed and that it may open more opportunities for employment. I realized that hopes in anything other than God is wasted and that I am here not to win a European Championship but to mold men and live the life of Christ in a tangible servant leadership fashion. Anything else becomes self serving and a distraction. I have to focus on loving these guys where they are and helping them deal with the disappointment of our failed hopes in a positive manner and adjust to the changing landscape of abrupt transitions with as much grace as possible.  That is difficult when the transitions and changes in my own kids lives become apparent as well and they suffer from my absence and homesickness creeps in. And yet there is peace in my heart that God has brought me here to do a work with the limited set of skills and talents I have and my focus must remain there, my hope in God alone!

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