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Hometown Heroes

Hometown Heroes
Porvoo Old Town
We have been blessed at the Butchers with great players who not only have spent the time and effort to hone their skills at playing American Football but also are great people. I want to introduce you to three of them who have had incredible careers on the field but also have served their communities honorably off the field as well.  Pasi Lautala, Sebastian Karbin and Ville Kurvinen all have professions that are essential to the safety of the community but they have also demonstrated incredible passion for the game of football.
Last week in my talk with the team before the game I used a quote from the legendary painter Vincent Van Gogh who declared, “Your profession is not what brings home your paycheck. Your profession is what you were put on earth to do. With such passion and such intensity that it becomes spiritual in calling.”  These three exhibit this sense of passion for the game of football and it has been a calling. They have delighted fans with their exploits and yet they are excellent at what does bring home their paychecks as well so I would like you to get to know them.
Pasi Lautala #73
             Pasi Lautala is the heart and soul of our offensive line this year. Pasi was awarded our “Butcher of the Year” award last year for the player who gave the most to the team and exemplified the ideals and character of excellence that we strive for. Pasi is not only a great player for us, but is also a board member with many management responsibilities off the field as well. He would argue that this is what makes him late to everything but we all know that is not the truth! In fact if Pasi is ever early to something it is because someone told him the wrong time or there is food that he is looking forward to! regardless of his tardiness there is no one on the Butchers with a kinder and gentler heart and he has done everything in his power to move the team forward.
Lautala blocking against the Border Knights
            On the field, Pasi plays our right guard position. Last year he was flanked by one of the greatest players in Finnish football history, Seppo Evwaraye, who played at Nebraska, which I won’t hold against him, and with the Minnesota Vikings. This year with Seppo’s retirement, Sami Moilanen has joined us and takes Seppo’s position. I did not realize that this spot also holds the responsibility for getting Pasi to and from practices and games but apparently it does. Sami does have an advantage this year however as he has a car and can dictate times to Pasi when he is driving whereas poor Seppo was at the mercy of “Pasi time!” Pasi has been honored by being named to the Finnish national team for many years and has played in many European and World Championships representing his country. Pasi plays through injury and pain every week and I am amazed at his dedication.
            Off the field Pasi is a police officer with the K-9 unit. He has trained dogs and works with them on his shifts. His latest dog is a German shepherd who usually listens to Pasi, but not always, which can be quite amusing. Pasi was on the police force here in Porvoo for many years but this year was transferred to Vantaa about a 50 KM drive each way for him every day. He now works there with another of our lineman who Pasi recruited to play, Kristoffer Lind, who as a rookie has performed wonderfully this year. Whether through routine patrols or in a situation such as the McDonalds shootings here last year, Pasi has proven to be a wonderful public servant. He has a beautiful wife, who should be awarded sainthood for her patience with all of his football pursuits, and two lovely little girls.  As a dad, husband, police officer, friend and football player he is exemplary, and his passion for all of those things cannot be stronger! Kiitos Pasi!
Sebastian Karbin #68
            Sebastian Karbin, or Seba, is an amazing football player. As Mackenzie McGrady, our American QB, commented after his first practice with Seba, “I am sure glad he is on our team, holy crap!” Seba is our outside linebacker and along with Tero Kontiainen and Layton Brown forms a very formidable line backing crew. But Seba stands out for his bone crushing hits. Last season Seba learned how to read the lineman in front of him and became better at using his hands to get off blocks and since that time has become a nightmare for other teams. He was named the Maple League’s defensive player of the year last season and also played exceptionally well in the European Championships for Finland. Seba demonstrates natural power, speed and a love for hitting that is a rare combination. He plays through incredible pain and this year has been playing on a dislocated big toe for much of the season. In another game he had a fever of 104 degrees F but played out of his mind. In our first game this season against the Roosters he dominated the game and created the fumble and picked it up for the games only touchdown. Oh, and just for good measure he gave the QB a nice shove before jumping on the football to score.  He is one of those players on defense who can set the tempo of a game with a big hit or crucial turnover. We almost did not have Seba this year as he was contemplating retiring. I am so glad he didn’t and I hope our fans are as well because he is at the peak of his game and every week delivers a show that is spectacular.
Seba creating a fumble and recovering it for a touchdown.
            Off the field Seba also serves as a police officer here in Porvoo. He is well respected in the community and is a credit to the police force. It is always a welcome sight to see Seba pop out of his police van and come walking over to say hi. I don’t know if any criminals know what would happen if they tried to run from Seba as they would feel the pain for days if he tackled them.  Seba, along with Pasi has competed in the World Police Games many times as well. These are athletic competitions for police officers from around the world and this year  they are in New York City. Seba is one of those players who you love as a coach because they give you everything they have and they make you look really good both on the field and off! I am honored to work with Seba and told him after last week’s game that they should put up a statue of him on the waterfront!
Ville Kurvinen #44
            Ville Kurvinen is a phenomenal receiver. He runs great routes, has excellent hands and wonderful body control. He will make the clutch reception when a game is on the line and also comes up with amazing diving catches. Ville has also played on the National team here in Finland and was recognized as one of the top 50 greatest Finnish players of all time by the SAJL (Suomi American Football Federation) at their 30th anniversary in 2009. Ville has also played defensive end, punter, and kicker for us! He is an amazing athlete and incredibly humble. He has the boyish good looks of former All-pro San Diego Chargers Receiver Lance Allworth and plays very similar. Of course he will have no idea who that is as I am showing my age, but trust me it is a compliment.  Ville also blocks well which says a lot about a receiver in my book. Ville is such a joy to be around because he is very even keeled, has a great disposition and always has smile on his face, a rare thing for a Finn indeed. He loves to play!  He is not only our big play receiver he is our best possession receiver as well. In one game a few weeks ago there was a crucial 3rd down pass that we needed to complete. The ball sailed high right toward me on the sidelines and I instantly had bad thoughts. But then out of nowhere, Ville jumped up, snagged the ball and got his feet back down in bounds to extend the drive.  It was a game winning catch as it allowed us to keep moving the ball and run out the clock when we were deep in our own territory.
Kurvinen with a great catch!
            Ville, like Pasi and Seba also serves his community off the field. However, Ville is a fireman here in Porvoo. Ville has helped on many different emergencies here in Porvoo including the Porvoo Cathedral fire a few years ago. He has been kind enough to show my kids and I around the firehouse on tours which we loved. He is truly an amazing person with a dedication to the things he does which is second to none!
Getting ready before a game
            Often here in Europe, the American imports get most of the glory and they are usually deserving for their on the field performances. However I am proud to be able to highlight these local heroes of the gridiron as they are the heart of Finnish American Football. They not only play at extremely high levels often matching that of their American counterparts but they also serve our community with grace, humility and courage! I also am proud to call them friends.

The Porvoo Cathedral

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