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Porvoo our Home!

Porvoo is a wonderful small city in Finland and happens to be my home for the summers as I coach the Butchers. It occurred to me that I have not really spent any time writing about Porvoo in these blogs. That is an error which must be corrected and so this week I will introduce you to my home away from home Porvoo, Suomi.  Porvoo is located about 50 kilometers east of Helsinki. It is in the region called Ita-Ussimaa and has about 42,000 residents. It sits where the Porvoo River meets the sea and has been an important trading port for centuries.  The Porvoo Castle was built on the hill and the town named Borgå in Swedish which means Castle River. It is a culturally significant town as it is the home of Finnish National poet J.L. Runeberg who wrote the words to the national anthem during his time in Porvoo. Famous artist Albert Edelfelt also produced much of his work here. Many of his portraits of Porvoo from the 1800s feel as though were painted last year. He would travel every summer from Paris to come paint the scenery of Porvoo. It is also the scene of the Diet of 1809 convened by Czar Alexander I of Russia when Finland became a Grand Duchy of Russia. This became the cornerstone of Finnish independence which would develop over the next 110 years.
Porvoo Cathedral
 This is a small town where everyone knows everyone and their business which can be good and bad. If you have done something everyone knows it. That goes especially for the Butchers. While we may not draw the size of crowds that the game does in America, everyone seems to know the Butchers and how we are doing. Many of them have opinions as well about what we are doing right or wrong and will share those with you. I can’t tell you how many times someone has come up to me who is a perfect stranger and talked about the Butchers. I have realized that there is a deep passion in the city about the team. This is even more disconcerting considering how reserved these Finns are. As I have commented before they make the British look like gregarious extroverts. If so many people are willing to come say something despite the inhibitions of this people how many more are thinking things and not saying them?  But for the most part everyone here loves the Butchers and is proud of the six championships the team has won in the Maple League.
Walgrens Restaurant
            The team also has wonderful sponsors who have done so much for us as coaches and players. Last season we ate our meals at Seireni a wonderful restaurant and night club in town. The staff there became wonderful friends and was very supportive of me personally. Carina, Kirsi, and Ida in particular were so welcoming. This season I admit I was disappointed that we would not be eating at Seireni, as I felt at home there. However, with a new year comes new changes and we now eat at two places, the Serahovi Hotel and a restaurant owned by the hotel, Walgrens. The staff at Walgrens has been so pleasant and welcoming that it is one of our highlights every day to go there. The food is also incredible. We have yet to have a meal that was not fabulous and the presentation is wonderful. Ani, Veronica and the others have made us feel so welcome and we are so thankful. They also have come to games and taken a real interest in us. On warm days sitting on the deck of this historic building is such a pleasure as we watch tourist and locals stroll along the riverside. 
Porvoo is a tourist town and is the second oldest community in Finland, granted town rights in 1346 by the King of Sweden Magnus Eriksson. Walgrens is near the Vanha Porvoo or old town which is full of lovely boutiques, restaurants and shops. It is a major tourist destination as people come to see the old wooden shorehouse buildings along the river, the Cathedral and the cobblestone streets.
Body Tonic
Just up the street from old town is the other place we spend a lot of time, Body Tonic. Body Tonic is a local gym that allows us to use their facilities. It is not a mega facility such as you might find in the U.S. but it has everything that we need and is very comfortable. Everyone there has also been very friendly and there are some amazing athletes that work out there that we have become friends with. Top European bodybuilders, MMA fighters, Thai boxers, members of the local basketball and floorball clubs and professional wrestlers use this facility along with the general population.  We especially love hitting the sauna after working out, it can be very relaxing. Many of our players, especially the younger ones, also train at Body Tonic and the staff there have been so supportive.
The BOY!
            Another of our sponsors that has been such a joy to work with has been Ostuupankki. Besides being a major supporter and the home of the Maple Bowl trophy or ‘The Boy,” as it is affectionately called, for the past six years this is also our bank. When we have issues dealing with money this is where we go and they are always so patient with us. Mackenzie even has a nickname there, he is known to the bank staff, not as the golden boy quarterback, but as “the waterboy.” Chris and Layton dubbed him that one day and now whenever Mac walks in they say, “hey there’s the waterboy!” 
The Waterboy!

So much of our team’s success has been due to the support of this community, the sponsors, and the staff of volunteers who have worked so hard behind the scenes. Here’s to Porvoo, a hearty kiittos (thanks) to you for all you do.      

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