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From Suomi to France

Well here it is, 15 hours and counting to a new journey as I start this new season in a new city in a new country and in a new league with my new team. Thank God it is the same old game. After two wonderful years in Porvoo coaching the Butchers I have moved on to Paris, France where I am now the Head Coach for the Flash de La Courneuve. The parting in Finland is bittersweet in that I made so many wonderful friends and wish that I had the opportunity to finish what I felt we had begun. However life sometimes gets in the way of plans and the reality for the Butchers was that financial issues restricted their ability to resign me as the head coach. I wish all the players and management there my best and hope they know I will always hold Porvoo and the Butchers fondly in my heart!

Porvoo Butchers
But now I have a new adventure one that I never imagined six months ago or even two for that matter. When it became clear that the Butchers would not have the financial resources this season for me to come back they told me to look for other opportunities. I did and the Flash came calling. Cam Olson who led the Flash last season to the French National Championship called and in November he hired me as the Defensive Coordinator a position I was ready to attack. In Late December I learned that The Flash had released Cam and asked me if I wanted the position of Head Coach. In all honesty the firing left me stunned and I was unsure about what to do. I spoke with Cam who was more gracious than i probably ever could be and he encouraged me to think about it but to take the position because he wanted the team to continue on the path he had established. I decided to do it and I don't know if what I am doing is following in the paths that Cam blazed or not. Sometimes I am at a loss to understand what I have gotten myself into? However, I do want to see these men succeed and am trying to lead in the only way I know how . . . with a servant's heart!

Helmet Montage by Cameron Olson
I hope that this season The Flash and I will continue to blaze new paths as well on our way to a European Championship and that Cam's faith in me will be realized. But as I told the team that will only happen if we take each day and dedicate ourselves to winning that day. It is the only one we can control and live in now! So that is our focus! I often wonder what kind of an idiot I am to keep taking over teams that are defending National Champions. There is only ever one way to go . . . down! But I keep doing it. Why? Because there is more to football and life than just winning games. There is winning the day, winning with class, winning at life! And that is my goal to teach those things and when we are successful then we will have done more than just light up a scoreboard.

Flash Unit by Cameron Olson
I am truly excited to be a member of the Flash. The mission of this team dovetails nicely with where my heart is. I have wanted to use sport and play to bring hope to kids and families in impoverished places around the world. Through A Champions Heart, we have done that to an extent. But the Flash have been doing it since 1984 here in La Courneuve. For those unfamiliar to this area of France let me introduce you to my new home. La Courneuve is in one of the highest crime, highest poverty, high minority sections of France. It is known as the Neuf Trois and is infamous for being one of the roughest areas of France. For those of you in the U.S. think of the South Side of Chicago, Harlem or East LA. The Flash have dedicated themselves to providing opportunities for young men from this region to have something to fill their time with besides, drugs, gangs or crime. We have three levels of junior teams all with over 60 kids in each respective team. We have 2 adult teams a D-3 team and the Elite team and also participate in a flag football league as well. Almost all of the players on the elite team have come through these junior programs. So we have players who have been playing in the Flash organization for 15 or 20 years. Many of these home grown players were good enough that they had the opportunity to play professionally in the NFL Europe. In addition the Flash are now starting a new program whereby they are helping to sponsor five junior players a year to have the opportunity to study for a year in the United States on a foreign exchange program. They will be able to go to high school, improve their English and play football. If any of you out there would be interested in hosting a Flash junior please contact me and I will pass on your information to our wonderful intern who is handling all the complex issues involved in this type of program.
Paris at Night

So for me to join the Flash is a dream come true. We are seeing young men changed and the Flash provide a beacon of hope in some dark neighborhoods with their continued success. It has been an adjustment for me though, one I am continually struggling with. The language is a challenge. As opposed to Finland where most of our players spoke very good English that is not the case here. Translation is constantly needed and my assistant coaches who are French are amazing at helping with that. They are also amazing coaches in their own right and I am so blessed to have them. Being a minority in terms of race is also a very different situation than what I am used to. Don't get me wrong, the players, coaches and community have been more than welcoming but at times you do think . . . "one of these things is not like the others . . . and it is me!" Probably more my perception and self awareness than anything else but still it sits in the back of your mind.  also finding space to think and reflect. I am an outdoors type of person and it was so nice in a small town of 40,000 people like in Porvoo to escape to the woods on a run. In a city of 12 million people that becomes a bit more of a challenge. I have found some wonderful parks though, such as Georges Valbon in La Courneuve to escape and formulate my thoughts.
Georges Valbon Parc
So while I struggle with the newness of my life hear I am also excited. because in less than 14 hours now that familiar whistle will blow and we will be back in familiar territory! We may be in Paris, but we are playing American Football and we are seeing men grapple with success, failure, frustration and joy and come out better for the struggle! Blessings to all of you and thanks for your friendship, support and challenges in my life.  


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